3歲黑色貴婦,未絕育,希望留後 身體非常好,健康活躍,毛髪非常烏黑濃密 配種後自由分配 在元朗區居住,以往交配做法一般在仔仔家住幾天視乎情況

全部$300/49隻 散買$10@隻 荃灣/大埔/太和MTR交收

100%新全套完整未開箱,日本入口,正版怪物屋出品 (箱外貼有版權貼紙)。日本名雕塑師大山龍製作,組裝後約50cm高,120cm長,內部有空位可安裝閃燈。只有在2010年春季日本模型展內限量發售過一次,市場難尋,屬非常稀有絕版品。

專業從事吉祥物,卡通服,吹氣大公仔,道具,玻璃纖維制品,舞台服裝,表演用品﹑工藝品﹑禮品﹑紀念品等製作﹑銷售﹑進出口貿易。亞洛斯為滿足各大機構﹑大小企業﹑廣告商﹑表演團體﹑廣大客戶的需求,為支持我們的客戶提供更完善的服務。表演服飾 吹氣產品 毛公仔批發 公仔批發 吹氣 公仔衫 吹氣玩具 道具製作 紀念品訂造 訂造紀念品表演服飾 吹氣產品 毛公仔批發 公仔批發 吹氣 公仔衫 吹氣玩具 道具製作

Freelance Product / Industrial Designer - Included Consumer Electronics Design, Household Appliances Design, Houseware Design, Toy Design, Sport accessories Design, Gift, Licensed Premium Design, Gar

零售, 批發, 日本護膚品, 化妝品, 零食, 健康食品, 精品, 玩具 文具, 日用品, 卡通人物精品

雜色扭蛋殼 (11cm直徑)/ 九龍灣交收或順豐到付/ 有意請電郵[email protected]

Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

Freelance Product / Industrial Designer - Included Consumer Electronics Design, Household Appliances Design, Houseware Design, Toy Design, Sport accessories Design, Gift, Licensed Premium Design, G

來自授權品牌Cartoon Network的飛天小女警毛絨玩具7寸高 所有都是專門定制的, 全新的包裝在單獨的塑料袋中全部售出約240pcs。 HK $ 30 x 240 =總成本HK $ 7,200 在沙田自取 Over stocking the powerpuff girls plush toys from the licensed brand Cartoon Network All are

Wai Ming Hong was developed by Mr William Yu in Hong Kong since 1989. William started food trading at the beginning of his business. He is exploring the potential market endlessly. Nowadays, Wai Ming

❤日本精品批發/代購❤ 各款日本精品/文具/日用品等等, Sanrio系列, Disney系列, San-X系列, Hello Kitty, Gudetama, rilakkuma 等等

Freelance Product / Industrial Designer - Included Consumer Electronics Design, Household Appliances Design, Houseware Design, Toy Design, Sport accessories Design, Gift, Licensed Premium Design, G
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